Monday, February 14, 2011

Hmm. Valentine's Day.

     February 14th, 2011.  I'm not sure why, but this whole morning for me has been an annoyance.  It's Valentine's Day and already on the way to work I was formulating a rant against this "day of love."  I'm not sure why I got so annoyed by it, but I had to vent.  Unfortunately, it took some time to edit what I had to say because facebook only allows 260 or so letters per post.  Mine was double that length.
     I'm not sure why we even celebrate Valentine's Day.  Is it so that the those who sell flowers can triple the already overpriced roses?  Is it so the diamond companies can make wonderful commercials that say, "Buy a diamond for the one you love.  Otherwise, you're not getting laid on this very special day."  Is it so the single women in the office can feel better when they see bouquet after bouquet being delivered to other women in the office?  Is it so men can look forward to an angry spouse when they completely forget that today is Valentine's Day?  The answer to these questions:  yes.

     Last night, I asked my wife if she wanted to have a special dinner  for Valentine's Day.  Nothing big.  Just a nice dinner at home with some wine.  I knew she wasn't big on celebrating V-Day (she's told me not to waste money on flowers on this particular day), but just to be on the safe side, I asked.  As I thought she would, she reiterated that it's not necessary to have a nice dinner on V-Day, so we've decided to have a nice dinner tomorrow night.  And this is one of the many reasons that I love her.  She doesn't buy into the bullshit that is fed to Americans that V-Day is more special than any other day.  I'm thinking that from here on out we'll celebrate on any day.......other than Valentine's Day.  



Sunday, February 6, 2011

80's child

     Went out last night for a friend's birthday in Brooklyn for a 90's theme party.  Jesus.  It certainly brought back some memories.  We started out at her apt with tasty finger foods, beer, champagne and, of course, a mix of 90's music.  I didn't dress up partly because I'm not big into costume parties, but there were flannels, doc martens and even a dude with a hand-painted Wayne's World cap.  Very nice. 
     At around 11pm we went to the evening's event at the Bell House where they have an annual remember the 90's party complete with a live band that played 90's cover songs.  I've never been to this venue, but it was quite large and the showroom had a barn-like feel.  Plenty of space on the floor and the band was decent.  I noticed that most everyone there was a bit younger.  I do enjoy going to see bands (I must admit that I don't do it often enough), but I prefer a less rauscous crowd and these folks didn't get too crazy.  The exception was the two girls jumping around in front of me with no regard to anyone around them.  I literally held my elbow out in front of me so that they wouldn't crash into me and instead feel the wrath of a pointed bone. The music was enjoyable and it brought me back to my high school days of grunge and alt rock music. 
     Towards the end of the show, however, I realized something.  Perhaps it was when the band apologized and played a Backstreet Boys song and the girls went nuts (I did indeed see guys singing it, as well).  I've always considered myself an 80's child, but this just confirmed it.  I didn't even recognize it as a BB song, but when I learned that it was I knew that the 90's was not my childhood decade.  Don't get me wrong, the 90's produced some great music and movies.  I was just shocked that this song was played. 
  Give me some Indiana Jones, Guns N Roses, Goonies, Van Halen, Back to the Future (to name a few) and I'm a happy man.  Our boy bands were those with great voices and harmony (Boys to Men) and not based on choreographed dance routines and pretty faces.  I feel like a lot of pop music has gone to the crapper.  Maybe I'm getting older and that's how older generations view younger ones.  If so, then take me back to the 80's. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Shorehaven - Bensonhurst, Brooklyn

     I would like to make an effort to blog a bit more and I've thought about this post for quite a while.  I think now I may issue this in installments because the memories from these three years that I worked in Bensonhurst will come to me in.....well, installments.  I worked as a porter in an large apartment complex in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn from 2003-2006.  More "lovely" details will emerge as these posts come out.  This first post will be "general memories". 
     General memories will begin with my boss at Shorehaven.  Granted my sister's ex got me this job because he knew my boss and he did what folks in Brooklyn called a "favor."  This is how you get a position like this.  No college degree. Maybe no high school diploma.  No reading or writing skills? No problem! (No joke)  As I said, you have to know someone.  So, my boss was a wannabe mob guy.  I'd heard through my sister's ex that he had a felony on his record for racketeering.  A small-timer.  In the mind of a kid from Texas who lived in New York for only a year he did seem a bit intimidating.  I'm sure he was intimidating to others, as well.  I remember coming to Bensonhurst to meet him for the first time.  I was in a suit and tie (totally unnecessary as I look back) because I had just come from an interview in the city.  A little smile crossed his face as I walked in and introduced myself.  I was a bit nervous, but he was a nice guy and had me fill out the usual paperwork.  Then, he basically asked me whether I would prefer to work 8am - 4pm shifts or 4pm - 12am shifts.  The porter shift being the day shift and the evening shift was as a doorman.  At the time I was 24 and thought that I'd still love to sleep in until noon, but decided on the porter shift.  8:00am in the morning it would be, then.
     Overall, my boss did well by me since he knew my sister's ex.  The only thing that pissed me off was that I got screwed out of vacation time that I thought I had earned.  It was one of those you've only worked here for so long and your vacation time doesn't kick in for another couple of months.  Bunch of crap and I remember walking up to him and asking him about it.  Now, granted I've learned a ton about how to handle myself with employers since then, but basically he gave me the excuse that I hadn't worked long enough to earn the time off.  I don't remember exactly how he put it, but he was intimidating when he did it.  To a newbee from Texas the bum on the street corner in New York can be intimidating. 
     He did give me the job, which I was thankful for.  I never properly thanked him when I left, which I regret a little.  I am glad that I worked there because it paid $18/hr with full, union benefits.  It also made me realize that I needed to go back to school and get the hell out of blue-collar work.  You would not believe some of the guys that I worked with.  Most of them were really good guys who would give the shirt off of their backs for you.  Some were scum.  More stories about "Shithaven" to come...